Marty Cryer
I needed a way for students to brainstorm and sort descriptive adjectives for a descriptive writing project (the Monster Exchange). After thinking about using paper cards that students would physically sort and realizing I would have to make multiple sets, I realized that was not what I wanted. The rest of the project was centered around technology, so I thought about Padlet!
I set up the Padlet with a sticky note for each of the five sense. Students were each on their own computers and were instructed to add words for each sense. They could not type fast enough! While some students had trouble coming up with some words, once a few were added, the ideas began flowing! I even had a few students ask to come in during lunch to continue to add words to the list! This was so exciting to see, since the paper version would have been quickly completed and just as quickly forgotten!
The Padlet board created by my 3rd grade students